Tool: Shell Window
The Shell window enables to communicate, with the active connection (RS232, RS422, USB, TCP/IP), with the motion controller.
The Shell window allows the following main operations:
- monitor the state of any hardware resources of the connected controller (digital and analog inputs/outputs).
- read and edit the value of any real or integer registers of the connected controller.
- read the directory of the files inthe flash card of the connected controller.
- move any file from the PCmemory to the flash-card and viceversa.
- delete files.
- etc.
RTE Project window
The Project window allows to organize all the files belonging to a particular job into homogeneous groups.
It is divided into 4 tabs for better helping the programmer to:
[Configuration] Configure the axes, the power sets, the fieldbus line etc…
[programs] Write the programs
[Debugger] Debug his program using breckpoints, step/step, live modification etc…
[File in flash] Compose the list of files that must be download into the motion controller
Tool: Monitor window
The Monitor window allows to display in a numerical form the remote variables of the connected controller (registers, DI, DO, AI, AO, predefiend variables, structures etc.).
The Monitor window allows to continuously monitor and display the values and variables of a remote device (e.g. uRmc2, uRmc3 and RBXM). Values can be displayed in numerical format (decimal, hexadecimal) and alphabetic format (string, hex string dump, etc.). Values can be also modified.
Debug window
The Debug window allows to go ON-LINE on the remote device.
The Debug window allows the user to:
- Watch the system report.
- Watch the user report.
- Obtain information about the breakpoints.
- Follow step by step the programs.
- Obtain information about the OB.
Editor window
A powerful text editor integrated in the RDE package can be used to edit any structured text (R3) source file, for ladder diagrams there’s a specific graphic aleditor. If preferred, the use of Notepad++ for structured text source files is possible and configurable.
Tool: Oscilloscope window
The Oscilloscope window displays in a graphical form the evolution of the involved variables.
The Oscilloscope window works as a real 30-track oscilloscope (up to 24 acquired from the remote device), for which it is possible to define:
- the variables associated to each track.
- scale and offset.
- synchronisms.
- normal (versus time) or XY display.
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